Archives of Craniofacial Surgery (대한두개안면성형외과학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 1
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- Pages.23-28
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- 2009
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- 2287-1152(pISSN)
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- 2287-5603(eISSN)
Comparison of Sequelae According to the Types of Implants in Blow-Out Fracture
안와 파열 골절 치료 시 삽입물 종류에 따른 후유증 비교
Kim, Tae-Gon
(Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
- Im, Jong-Hyo (Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
Lee, Jun-Ho
(Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University) ;
Kim, Yong-Ha
(Department of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, College of Medicine, Yeungnam University)
(영남대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실) ;
- 임종효 (영남대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실) ;
(영남대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실) ;
(영남대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실)
- Received : 2009.02.21
- Accepted : 2009.04.01
- Published : 2009.04.09
Purpose: Blow out fracture can present tenderness, swelling, enophthalmos, extraoccular muscle limitation, paresthesia, diplopia according to severity of injury, so reconstruction of blow out fracture is important. Orbital soft tissue should be in orbit and defected orbital wall should be corrected by autologus tissue or alloplastic implants. Every implants have their merits and faults, every implants are used various. This study was designed to compare the sequelae of blow-out fracture repair using the alloplastic implants: micro-titanium mesh(Micro Dynamic titanium