The Study on the Reorganization of the Large Purse Seine Fisheries in Korea

대형선망어업의 생산력 재편과 경영 개선 과제

  • Received : 2009.08.11
  • Accepted : 2009.09.04
  • Published : 2009.10.31


The aims of this study are to examine urgent problems for reorganization into future-proof large purse seine fisheries in order to positively cope with rapidly changing domestic and foreign fisheries circumstances. First, this paper provides current situations of the large purse seine fisheries. The current situations of it are composed of fisheries influence such as vessel number, vessel power, and fisher number, use of resource and fishing places, and changes in products and sales of species caught by the large purse seine. Secondly, this paper reviews current problems of the large purse seine fisheries including cost reduction and increase of value added. Thirdly, this paper suggests basic development direction and countermeasures for strengthening competitiveness of the large purse seine fisheries. In conclusion, urgent problems of the larger purse seine fisheries can be summarized as inefficiency of distribution structures and retarded landing system and facilities as well as the worse of profitability according to shrink of fishing places, reduction of products, lack of workers, and increase in oil price. To solve the urgent problems, the large purse seine fisheries should be changed into an industry with low cost and high efficiency, and also need to introduce of new production system, strengthen autonomous management of natural resource, and increase in value added to products.



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