The Exploratory Analysis of Subjective Well Bing in Internet Continuance to Use

인터넷의 지속적 사용의도에서 주관적 안녕감에 대한 탐색적 분석

  • Published : 2009.12.31


Although the Internet has been a important communication tool in modern societies, researchers did not pay attention to its' positive impacts on individual's psychological process. The Internet provides users with a unique environment such as visual isolation, non face-to-face communication, and easiness to escape from social influences. This environment enables people to take free action according to their personality and disclose themselves. The findings indicate that individuals' social use of the Internet may reflect their personality. To fill the research void like this, this study proposes a new research model in which well bing as well as perceived value are positively linked to satisfaction and continuance to use. The statistical results obtained by applying PLS to the valid 150 questionnaires showed that the well bing has stronger positive influence on satisfaction and continuance to use. Therefore, a practical implication is suggested that the web site need to be designed in a way of arousing users' well bing more strongly.



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