Tree-based Multi-channel Communication with Interference Avoidance using Dynamic Channel Switching in Wireless Sensor Network

  • Published : 2009.12.31


In centralized control sensor network, tree-based multi-channel communication overcomes the recurrent channel switching and makes possible to transfer data simultaneously from different sources. In our paper, we propose a greedy algorithm named as NIT (Non-Intersecting Tree) that the trees can avoid inter-tree interference. We also propose channel switching technique by which trees can avoid link failure or area blocking due to external interference locally without rerunningthe algorithm and without interrupting the whole network. At first we applied our algorithm for a random topology and then we evaluate the performance of the network using NS-2 simulator. The results show that with the increasing of channel the throughputand delivery ratio are increased significantly. We got better performance than a using a recent proposed Tree-based Multi-Channel Protocol (TMCP).



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