Relation of Cause and Effect between the Elderly's Image and Ageism Experience

노인의 이미지와 노인차별경험 간의 인과관계에 관한 연구

  • Shin, Hak-Gene (Dept. of Social Welfare and Counseling, Jeonju Kijeon College) ;
  • Jeon, Sang-Nam (Dept. of Health Administration, YonSei University)
  • 신학진 (전주기전대학 사회복지상담과) ;
  • 전상남 (연세대학교 보건행정학과)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the elderly's image or appearance to ageism. In this study, image included factors such as image management, external image and self and other's acceptance. To investigate the cause and effect of image to ageism, we purposely collected 315 samples from 4 senior welfare centers in Jeonju and exploited SEM (Structural equation modeling) for 297 cases excluding some cases with missing values. According to the results, first, we found that oneself and others' acceptance of the elderly's external image decreases the experience of ageism. Second, the behavior for image management resulted in oneself and others' acceptance of the image. Third, the behavior for image management positively influenced the external image. Fourth, the elderly's external image caused positive effects on oneself and others' acceptance of the image. Fifth, behavior for image management showed decreasing effects of the ageism experience.



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