Relationship Between Parenting Stress, Depression, and Yangsaeng in Mothers with Cerebral Palsy Children

뇌성마비아 어머니의 양육 스트레스, 우울 및 양생과의 관계

  • Moon, Jin-Ha (Department of Nursing, Yeoju Institute of Technology)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study examines parenting stress, depression, and Yangsaeng in mothers with cerebral palsy children, providing information that may be helpful in the development of a health intervention program that may improve the lives of the mothers. Methods: The subjects of this study were 124 mothers with cerebral palsy children; the subjects were selected by convenience sampling. The collected data were processed by using the SPSS program and analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation. Results: Parenting stress in mothers with cerebral palsy children was $91.84\pm20.75$, depression was $20.54\pm11.30$, and Yangsaeng was $92.77\pm15.79$ There was a positive relationship between parenting stress and depression. Parenting stress and depression were negatively related with Yangsaeng. Conclusions: The results suggest that Yangsaeng as an oriental health care regimen can lower the level of parenting stress and depression. In this regard, to promote a healthier life for mothers with cerebral palsy children, it would be beneficial to develop a nursing intervention program that incorporates the use of Yangsaeng.



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