A Comparison of Three Constitution Types of Korean Hand Therapy (Seogeum Therapy) for Migraine Care

편두통환자와 건강인의 삼일체형 분류 비고

  • 김영혜 (부산대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 이내영 (신라대학교 의생명과학대학 간호학과) ;
  • 강연황 (부산대학교 간호대학)
  • Published : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study examines the relationship between the occurrence of migraine headaches and three constitution types of Korean Hand Therapy (Seogeum Therapy). Methods: A total of 684 subjects comprised the study data: 500 healthy individuals and 184 migraine sufferers. The data were analyzed according to three constitution types of Seogeum Therapy. The subjects were classified according to their constitution types and body sides. Results: There were significant differences between the three types. Among the healthy group, the Yang Type and Shin Type Constitutions were more predominant than the Eum Type; the Yang and Shin Types were also more predominant than Eum Type with respect to both sides of the body. Among the migraine sufferers, the Eum Type Constitution was more predominant than the Eum Type; the Eum Type was also more predominant than the other types with respect to both sides of the body. Conclusions: These results suggest that the Eum Type Constitution might be associated with migraine headaches.



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