Smoking Cessation Clinics: Expectancy and Cognition

일 지역 흡연자들의 금연클리닉에 대한 인식 및 기대정도

  • Published : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study investigates the level of expectancy, cognition, and work condition among smokers with respect to the smoking cessation clinics. Methods: The study participants included over 503 smokers aged 30 yr and in five districts of G city. The researcher and assistants personally visited homes and workplaces of the participants between November 20 and November 30, 2008 for the survey. Results: The subjects learned to smoke from their friends and started smoking when they were 15 out of curiosity. They smoked more than one cigarette every day. With respect to cognition, 67.5% of the subjects had no intention to utilize smoking cessation clinics, and 71.7% were unaware of their benefits. Those with a high level of cognition regarding smoking cessation clinics were generally in their 60s, married, residents in the Southern and Western Districts, service or technical workers, and hikers. The expectancy for the clinic was high among those who were married, Catholics, and golfers. Conclusions: The results suggest that smoking cessation may be achieved by increasing the level of cognition and expectancy among smokers. In this regard, providing information and implementing positive publicity campaigns targeting families, Places of worship, and workplaces may be beneficial.



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