일 지역사회 저소득 노인의 우울, 일상생활수행능력과 삶의 질의 관계에 대한 연구

A Study on Depression, ADL, IADL, and QOL among Community-Dwelling, Low Income Elderly

  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


Purpose: This study investigated depression, ADL, ADL, QOL, and their relationships to examine the physical and, emotional health status of low income elderly in the local community. Methods: The subjects included 507 elderly 65 years of age in Jeonju, Korea. Data were collected through personal interviews with questionnaires. Results: The average depression score of the subjects was 8.7. There was significant difference in the level of depression as a function of the level of education and perceived health status. The items showing the highest level of functioning in ADL were consciousness and recognition, and the item combining the highest leveling of functioning in IADL was using phones. Regarding ADL and IADL, there were statistically significant differences in age. living condition and perceived health status. The levels of quality of life of the subjects were significantly different with respect to gender and, perceived health status. There were statistically significant correlations between the subjects' depression, ADL, IADL, and QOL. Conclusions: The findings indicate that the low income elderly in the local community were in poor physical and, psychological health. Based upon the outcome, health promotion programs to improve depression, ADL, and IADL of low income elderly in the community are needed.



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