This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between systemic diseases and oral malodor. The author measured the volatile sulfur compound(VSC) of the patients who visited Pusan National University Health Promote Center for a comprehensive medical testing. The patients were examined gingival bleeding on probing, CPI index, tongue coating. Their systemic diseases were diagnosed by the specialist. 182 patients consisted of 112 males and 70 females. In this study, Oral $Chroma^{(R)}$ was used to measure oral malodor. This equipment could measure the concentration of intraoral VSC (hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, dimethyl disulfide). All data were analylized using Statistical Package for the Social Science $12.0^{(R)}$. The result of this study was the followings. 1. There was significant difference of numbers of patient who visited health care center according to the VSC concentration level and the Community Periodontal Index, bleeding on probing, tongue coating. 2. The subjects with hyperlipidemia showed the high level of $CH_3SH$ concentration (p=0.036). The concentration of $H_2S$ tends to be high in the group with abnormal findings on pulmonary fuction test(p=0.086). The concentration of $CH_3SH$ in the groups with abnormal findings on lipid profile test(p=0.130) and bone mineral density test(p=0.099) and abdominal ultrasonograpy(p=0.088) tends to be higher than the other group. 3. The concentration of $(CH_3)_2S$ in the group with abnormal findings on blood pressure test(p=0.113), hepatitis B virus serology(p=0.069), Abdominal ultrasonograpy(p=0.091) tend to be higher than the other group.
목적 ; 본 연구는 가스분석검사기의 일종인 Oral $Chroma^{(R)}$(CHM-1, Osaka, Japen)를 이용하여 건강검진센터에 내원하는 환자를 대상으로 전신질환 판정검사에서 이상소견을 가진 환자에서 구취를 일으키는 휘발성 황화합물을 측정 비교하여 전신질환이 구취에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 ; 수집된 자료는 통계분석 프로그램인 Statistical Package for the Social Science12.0(SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA)을 이용하여 구강검사(CPI index, 탐침 시 출혈 유무, 설태의 유무) 결과 및 각 검사별 전신질환의 유무에 따른 황화수소, 메틸 머캅탄, 황화 디메틸의 농도를 교차분석으로 분석하였다. 결과 ; 휘발성 황화합물과 관계있는 질환은 간질환과 담낭질환이라는 사실을 확인할 수 있었으며 그 외 골밀도와 혈압, 지질검사 등에서의 관련성도 관찰되어 추후 연구가 더 필요할 것으로 생각된다.