Gestation Lengths and Offspring's Birth Weights and Sex Ratio of the Dairy Recipients Transferred with Hanwoo IVF Embryos

한우의 체외수정란을 이식한 젖소 수란우의 임신 기간과 산자의 생시 체중 및 성비

  • 석상현 (대구대학교 동물자원학과) ;
  • 설현석 (대구대학교 동물자원학과) ;
  • 권은정 (대구대학교 동물자원학과) ;
  • 김혜진 (대구대학교 동물자원학과) ;
  • 정연길 (대구대학교 동물자원학과) ;
  • 송해범 (대구대학교 동물자원학과)
  • Published : 2009.03.31


This study was carried out to collect the basic data about gestation lengths and offspring's birth weights and sex ratio of the dairy recipients transferred with Hanwoo IVF embryos. Blastocysts cultured for $7{\sim}8$ days were transferred to 96 and 167 heads for the basic data about gestation length and offspring's birth weight and sex ratio of the dairy recipients, respectively. The gestation lengths of the dairy recipients transferred with Hanwoo IVF embryos were $287.3{\pm}11.2$ ($257{\sim}311$) and $284.1{\sim}7.7$ ($266{\sim}295$) days in male and female of the offspring, respectively. The gestation lengths of the recipients were $290.7{\pm}10.4$, $285.8{\pm}3.4$, $280.0{\pm}9.3$ and $286.1{\pm}7.9$ days in spring, summer, autumn and winter of the calving season, respectively, and were significantly different among the calving season (p<0.05). The birth weights of male and female calves were $25.5{\pm}2.4$ ($21{\sim}30$) and $26.3{\pm}3.9$ ($21{\sim}40$ kg in offsprings of the dairy recipients transferred with Hanwoo IVF embryos, respectively. The sex ratio was 90.7 in the offsprings of the dairy recipients transferred with Hanwoo IVF embryos.



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