산욕 초기 입원치료를 받은 산모들의 한방 치료 만족도 조사

A Study about the Satisfaction of Oriental Medical Postpartum Care

  • 박지영 (우석대학교 부인과학교실) ;
  • 박정경 (우석대학교 부인과학교실) ;
  • 박가영 (우석대학교 부인과학교실) ;
  • 김태희 (우석대학교 부인과학교실)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.27


Purpose: 1. To analyze the satisfaction and cognition of postpartum care and to aid the spread of oriental medicine in postpartum care. 2. Get a basic guideline of O.M.D's postpartum care. Methods: We studied the satisfaction and cognition of postpartum care with questionnaire from January 2009 to August 2009, who was treated in ○○ Oriental Medical Postpartum care center during 2 weeks. 61 puerperants answered us. Results: 1. In choosing Postpartum care center, puerperants concerned about new born infants' care(50.8%) and treatment for discomfort after delivery(27.86%). 2. 22 puerperants(36.6%) had a positive view in folk remedy for postpartum care and 34 puerperants(55.73%) thought it would be good to eliminate edema and loose weight. 3. Most of puerperants(80.32%) chose oriental medical postpartum care because they wanted to receive oriental medical treatment. 4. 5 puerperants(8.19%) were very satisfied with oriental medical postpartum care than other type of postparum care which they experienced at first delivery. 47(77.04%) were satisfied, 2(3.27%) were unsatisfied and no one was very satisfied. 5. To the questionnaire about the effect of strength recovery, lochia excretion, edema limination, increasing amount of breastmilk, reducing arthralgia, about 36.8% puerperants showed positive view. 6. The positive view about Acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, herbal treatment was, respectively, 90.16%, 49.18%, 73.77%, 86.88%. Conclusion: Puerperants were satisfied with oriental medical postpartum care and had positive cognition in oriental medical treatment. There is much capability for extension of oriental medicine in postpartum care. So continuous concern, systemic development and publicity about oriental medical postpartum care are required.



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