Optimal Measurement Placement for Static Harmonic State Estimation in the Power Systems based on Genetic Algorithm

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


In this paper, a method for optimal measurement placement in the problem of static harmonic state estimation in power systems is proposed. At first, for achieving to a suitable method by considering the precision factor of the estimation, a procedure based on Genetic Algorithm (GA) for optimal placement is suggested. Optimal placement by regarding the precision factor has an evident solution, and the proposed method is successful in achieving the mentioned solution. But, the previous applied method, which is called the Sequential Elimination (SE) algorithm, can not achieve to the evident solution of the mentioned problem. Finally, considering both precision and economic factors together in solving the optimal placement problem, a practical method based on GA is proposed. The simulation results are shown an improvement in the precision of the estimation by using the proposed method.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Sensitivity analysis of method for harmonic state estimation in the power system vol.154, 2018,