Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 28 Issue 2
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- Pages.178-186
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- 2009
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
The Development of Teaching and Learning Strategy for Improving Science Process Skills with Science Writing
과학 탐구 능력 신장을 위한 과학 글쓰기 교수.학습 전략 개발
- Bae, Hee-Sook (Seoul National University of Education) ;
Jhun, Young-Seok
(Seoul National University of Education) ;
Hong, Jun-Euy
(Hansung Science High School)
- Published : 2009.05.31
The science writing is recognized for useful learning method to boost up scientific thinking for all class course as well as traditional lecture and experiment. Many researches say that science writing is helpful to extend students' science knowledge and scientific attitude. By the way, the researchers thought that science writing can also improve the science process skill if students participate in delicately organized learning program. In this study, we had contrived the teaching & learning strategy of science writing to improve science process skills. The learning program covers all field of Klopfer's process skills with various forms of writing; explaining writing, logical writing, critical writing, and creative writing. The learning program has been developed for 5th grade students in the regular classes in order to enhance science process skills as well as knowledge and scientific attitude. Not to miss any process skill or various kinds of writing, we used 3 dimensional frame. The axes of the frames are science process skills, forms of writing, and science curriculum contents. The students are given the final writing theme at the beginning of each chapter. They drill science process skills step by step during the classes, and have a chance to talk each other before the final writing. They practice writing skills from one sentence to full article by degrees. The effect of the program was examined by students' work and TSPS (Test of Science Process Skill). The result showed that 5th grade students had a meaningful progress in science process skills as well as knowledge and scientific attitude. we could confirm it with examining students' work in the class.