Job Satisfaction of School Food-Service Employee in Ansan Gyoeng-gi Do

경기 안산지역 학교급식 조리종사원의 업무특성에 대한 만족도

  • Published : 2009.06.30


The objective of this study is to verify work satisfaction of school food-service employee, of their job characteristics. Subjects were comprised 9 elementary schools, 11 middle schools, and 3 high schools in Ansan city. Data were analyzed 203 questionnaires for frequency, means, one-way ANOVA, $Scheff{\acute{e}}$ test, t-test, and Pearson correlation using SPSS PC Package. Most of the respondents were high school graduate(91.1%), under one million won salary(41.9%), and non license holder(60.6%). Working conditions were part-time job(41.9%), unlimited contractors(51.2%), and 3-5 years of working experience(21.7%). Measure of overall job satisfaction by Likert-type 5 scale, satisfaction of work operation attitude was 3.55 points and work characteristic duty of 4.32 points. The certificate qualified and elementary school's working posture were more satisfied their work attitude than other groups(p<0.05). Salary satisfaction score showed 2.64 points, but the work esteem satisfaction showed 3.34 points. The factor of working circumstance and potentiality satisfaction was only 2.61 points, but interpersonal connection and communication satisfaction was 3.50 points. Between job satisfactions factors, they were highly correlated with each other. The pride and characteristic duty of the work showed the strongest correlated(p<0.001). The satisfaction score of work operation attitude were significantly correlated with characteristic duty(p<0.001), work esteem, interpersonal relationships and communication(p<0.01). With this results, work satisfaction of food service employees showed a relatively high to perform a job task characteristics and work attitudes. However, the working environment and growth in salaries satisfaction were low. A set of duties must be paid according to the labor intensity. As removing the disturbing factors, the improvement in the quality of the feed will be able to expect substantial effects.



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