The Functions and Roles of Bodies in Charge of Environment-friendly Regional Agriculture

친환경 지역농업 관련주체의 역할과 성과 - 전남 순천시 우리밀 사례를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2009.06.30


Although many local governments are supporting the environment-friendly regional agriculture(hereafter EFRA), the EFRA is not wildly extended since the marketing and consumption of the environment-friendly agricultural products are still limited. This study aims at finding out the new development source of Korean agriculture and strategies for establishing regional agriculture. For these purposes, Sunchon-si cases of EFAP development are introduced and the functions and roles of bodies in charge of regional agriculture are looked over. In order to establish the EFRA, production, processing and consumption needs to be intimately linked all together. As preconditions for developing the EFRA, four points should be satisfied. Firstly, production organizations need to be built and stabilized for developing the EFRA and consumers' organizations and partnership are to be formed. Secondly, the government should support for building consumers' organization. Thirdly, social consensus for developing the EFRA needs to be formed. And finally with the appropriate local and central governmental support the partnership among producers, consumers, and government should be formed.



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