A Study on Measures to Boost the Development of Distributed Generation through Analysis and assessment of the District Electricity Power Business Environment

구역전기사업의 환경분석을 평가를 통한 분산형전원개발 촉진방안에 관한 연구

  • 김수철 (건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과) ;
  • 유왕진 (건국대학교 벤처전문기술학과)
  • Published : 2009.07.01


The purpose of this study is to build promotive measures and to develop alternative policies of DG(Distributed Generation) by finding and analysing effects of four business environment factors related to DEPB(District Electricity Power Business) on boosting DG. In this study, four business environment factors, which are the electric power industry restructuring, electricity tariff and pricing structure, regulations for DEPB, and conflicts of stake-holding groups, are considered as independent variables. And promotion factors of DG including small CHP(Combined Heat and Power) generation, which is outcome of DEPB, are considered as dependent variables. But dependent variables including booming of new renewable energy generation due to green energy pricing incentives, the electric power industry restructuring, and electricity tariff and pricing policies were separatively considered. In this study, some policies were proposed reflecting research results of empirical demonstrative analysis, previous studies, overseas cases, etc.



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