Monitoring on Endocrine Disruptors in Commercial Agricultural Products in the Northern Area of Seoul(2007)

서울 강북지역 유통 농산물의 내분비계장애 추정농약의 잔류실태(2007)

  • 하광태 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 박성규 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 조태희 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 한창호 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 김성단 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 이경아 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 김시정 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 장정임 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 조한빈 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀) ;
  • 최병현 (강북농수산물검사소 잔류농약검사팀)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


This study was carried out to investigate the current status of suspected endocrine disrupting pesticides among the agricultural products in northern area of Seoul in 2007. 3,026 samples was analyzed by multiresidue method. Detected Pesticide in 11 cases were procymidone, endosulfan, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, cyermethrin, fenvalerate, hexaconazole, carbendazim, pendimethalin, permethrin, parathion and exceeded 7 cases of endosulfan, procymidone, carbendazim, chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, fenvalerate in the maximum residue limits(MRLs). Procymidone, endosulfan, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos comprised up to 80.5% in detected pesticides. Among the 321 cases of detected agricultural products, 287 cases(89.4%) were vegetables, 25 cases (7.8%) were fruits, Others were 9 cases(2.8%).



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