A study on the degree of depression in dental hygienists

치과의원에 근무하는 일부 치과위생사의 우울수준에 관한 연구

  • Received : 2009.08.26
  • Accepted : 2009.12.23
  • Published : 2009.12.30


Objectives : The degree of depression in dental hygienist was analyzed to reveal the various factors related to them. Methods : The self-administered questionnaires were filled out from 202 dental hygienist in Daejeon City. The survey items included subjects' socio-demographic and job-related characteristics, health-related behaviors, depression. Chi-Square analysis and Pearson's correlation coefficient was put into survey results, in which a degree of depression was dependent variable and others were independent variable. Results : 1. The distribution for depression degree has shown the rate as 80.2% in normal range group and 19.8% in depression group. 2. As for depression, long working hours(p=0.042), poor sense satisfaction in work(p=0.000), not fit to the job(p=0.003), low personal relation with peer works or supervisors(p=0.039), without alcohol drinking(p=0.048), poor subjective condition of health(p=0.000) than their respective counterparts. 3. Concerning correlation between depression and various factors, poor sense satisfaction in work(r=-0.332, p=0.000), not fit to the job(r=-0.353, p=0.000), low personal relation with peer works or supervisors(r=-0.215, p=0.002), without alcohol drinking(r=-0183, p=0.009), poor subjective condition of health(r=-0.333, p=0.000). Conclusions : These results showed that depression state could be influenced by various factors, which include socio-demographic, job-related characteristics and health-related behaviors. Therefore, in order to reduce depression state of dental hygienists, development and application of programs to manage and research for them are required to be revitalized as well as socio-demographic and job-related characteristics and health-related behaviors.



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