광주지역 치위생과 학생들의 취업에 관한 의식조사

A survey on dental hygiene students' senses of employment

  • 투고 : 2009.05.14
  • 심사 : 2009.09.20
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey on the senses of employment so that it could provide a basic reference required for good human resources specializing in oral health with responsibility as professional. Methods : To meet these goals, a self-administrated questionnaire survey was conducted to dental hygiene college students in Gwang-ju. Results : 1. It was found that 30.7% respondents wanted to be employed as government officials of oral health. Most respondents 37.4% answered that faithfulness is the highest value as prerequisite for employment in hospital. 2. It was found that interpersonal relationships among employees had most significant effects 4.58 score on selection of employment, which was followed by in-house welfare benefit (hospital size, rest room, ect; 4.31). 3. The survey on respondents' occupational sense was represented by hospital/clinic management and dental management support 25.2%, oral health education 22.7%, oral disease prevention 19.7% respectively. Conclusion : For future social awareness about dental hygienists as occupation, desirable training courses as a part of qualification for professional dental hygienists were represented by case management (services, manners, ect; 25.0%), implant (22.8%), esthetics 14.7% and so on. As for working years, it was noted that 13.2% respondents would keep working as dental hygienists as long as they could.



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