일부지역 치과위생사의 근골격계 자각증상 인지 정도 및 경험에 대한 연구

Research on the degree and experience of dental hygienists musculoskeletal symptoms

  • 투고 : 2009.01.28
  • 심사 : 2009.03.15
  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


Cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptoms and existence (or non-existence) of experience was conducted following dental hygienists' health habits, heath state and working environment targeting dental hygienists who were working for the dental clinics in Masan-si, Changwon-si and Jinhae-si in Gyeongsangnam-do for one year or more. The research findings were as follows. 1. Cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptom following general characteristics was the highest among the subjects who were 40 years old or above. 2. As for the education level, cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptoms was high while prevalence was low, which were statistically significant when the education level was higher. 3. Cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptom was high when the subjects exercised, and cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptom and prevalence were significantly high when they are engaged in leisure activities or hobbies. 4. Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms was statistically high if they are afflicted with disease, if they feel burdened by their job, if they suffer from considerable physical fatigue, if they feel chronic fatigue or if they feel that their health state is poor. 5. Cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptom and prevalence were higher, which was statistically significant, when the number of years worked was higher. 6. Cognitive degree of musculoskeletal symptom was higher, but prevalence was lower when the time that they were seated was longer. This research demonstrated that the musculoskeletal disorders related to their job that afflicts the dental hygienists is not caused by one element, but it is possible to see that the musculoskeletal disorders results from the interaction of the diverse elements that are interrelated such as the subjects' characteristics and health habits and heath state, working environment and so forth including inappropriate work related movements. To this, dental hygienists need to improve their health habits so that they can form proper health habits that will ensure health in every day life on their own with the improvement of their every day life habit and positive self-evaluation to act on the health promotion behaviors, education and publicity, and measures to prevent and to manage musculoskeletal disorders in overall need to bepursued after in an active manner.



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