연근 분말을 첨가한 죽의 품질 특성

Quality Characteristics of Jook Prepared with Lotus Root Powder

  • 발행 : 2009.04.01


This study examined the effects of added amounts of Lotus root powder on the physical and sensory properties, and consumer acceptability of Jook. As the level of Lotus root powder increased, L-value decreased and a and b values increased. The Jook also had higher viscosity and lower spreadability values as the amount of Lotus root powder increased. Sensory characteristics, such as color intensity, viscosity, nutty taste, and off-flavor increased significantly with the addition of Lotus root powder. A consumer acceptability test indicated that the 25% Lotus root powder group had the highest overall acceptability, appearance, flavor, and texture. In conclusion, to enhance the quality of Jook, a 25% addition of Lotus root powder would be the most beneficial.



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