Change to Pain's Level of Chronic Back pain patient With Hamstring Shortening in 27year's old After Application to Active Therapeutic Movement (ATM) and Sling Exercise-Case study

슬괵근 단축이 있는 27세 남자 만성요통환자의 ATM, 슬링운동치료 적용 후 통증수준의 변화-사례연구

  • Received : 2009.04.28
  • Accepted : 2009.05.10
  • Published : 2009.06.30


Purpose: to purpose prevent to dysfunction and decrease to pain level use to active therapeutic movement and sling manual, stability exercise in shortening hamstring chronic back patient. Methods: The patient's complain was Buttock and Lower Back Pain due to dysfunction posture work. The subject's initial Pain Scale was 60 of 100(VAS). The Subject Treatment to Sling Mobility exercise, Home exercise, ATM, Sling Stability exercise, sensory motor training During 8weeks for 18 times. Results: The result was Visual Analog Scale(VAS)was decreased 10 of 100 after treatment. Conclusion: Visual Analog Scale(VAS)was decreased 10 of 100 after treatment. Functional Leg Length Was recover to same level. Trunk Flexibility was increase to 18cm. Active Knee Extension ankle was decrease to $15^{\circ}$ limit range of motion due to Lt. Hamstring Shortening limit range of motion $30^{\circ}$. GPS(Gobal Postural System)test was recover to same level. This case study need to sufficient data and times.
