사상체질과 에니어그램 성격유형에 따른 대학생의 비만 예측

Prediction of Obesity by Sasang Constitutions and Enneagram in University Students

  • 이종우 (전주대학교 건강관리) ;
  • 성갑선 (전주대학교 대체의학대학원) ;
  • 엄혜정 (배재대학교 학생생활상담소)
  • 투고 : 2009.10.22
  • 심사 : 2009.11.16
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


Objectives Identification of individuals predisposed to obesity is an important issue for prevention and control of the obesity. It was reported that a high prevalence of obesity appeared in Taeumin among Sasang constitutions, but Enneagram personality-types has not been used to classify the patterns of obesity. These two classification methods were employed in combination in the current study, and it was analyzed whether the morbidity pattern of obesity can be characterized in further detail. Methods The subjects were 125 University students(62 males and 63 females) who answered both questionnaires for Sasang constitutions and Enneagram personality types. The obesity of students was classified by the obesity index and BMI. Results Only Taeumin group of Sasang constitutions was overweight, and the male of the group was overweight or obese. Analysis of the obesity index and BMI according to the Enneagram personality types showed significant differences(p<.05) between the types in the female group. These values were highest at the type 3 and lowest at the type 4. The physical indices according to both the centers of Enneagram and Sasang constitutions showed that only Taeumin female group had significant differences(p<.05) in the obesity index and BMI. Taeumin male group was overweight or obese in all centers of Enneagram and Taeumin female group was overweight or obese only in heart-center. Conclusions Diagnosis of the present data suggest that the classification of obesity patterns using Enneagram personality types in addition to Sasang constitutions is very useful to prevent and control the obesity.



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