보건행정학과 대학생의 진로결정 자기효능감, 사회적지지, 직업교육경험과 진로태도성숙의 관계

The Relationship between Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy, Social Support, Career Education Experience, Career Attitude Maturity for College students with Major in Health Administration

  • 천의영 (수원여자대학 간호보건학부) ;
  • 남영희 (수원여자대학 간호보건학부) ;
  • 권현주 (수원여자대학 간호보건학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Objectives : This study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy, social support, career education experience, career attitude maturity for college students with major in health administration. Methods : The subjects were 395 students with major in health administration from 2 universities and 2 colleges located in Incheon city, Gyeonggi province, and Chungcheognam province. Data were collected from June 2 to 20, 2008 using structured questionnaires. Results : For the difference by characteristics of the respondents, the score of career attitude maturity were significantly different according to age(F=3.415), high school style(F=2.661), subject economic status(F=3.627), subject satisfaction of school life(F=7.964), subject health status(F=6.507). For the correlation of major variable, Career attitude maturity was positively correlated with career decision-making self-efficacy, social support from friends, social support from family, social support from professor, career education experience. In a regression analysis, career decision-making self-efficacy($\beta$=.378), social support from friends($\beta$=.198), age($\beta$=.124), grade($\beta$=-.161) significant predictors to explain career attitude maturity(32%). Conclusions : It is necessary to activates the social network from friends and to develop an effective program to improve career attitude maturity of students with major in health administration considering these findings.



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