The Cleaning of Costumes of Yeosan Song's Family Excavated at Mokdal-dong in Daejeon

대전 목달동 출토 여산송씨 출토복식의 세척

  • Baek, Young-Mee (Korean Traditional Costume Research Institute, Pusan National University) ;
  • Kwon, Young-Suk (Department of Clothing & Textiles, Pusan National University)
  • 백영미 (부산대학교 한국전통복식연구소) ;
  • 권영숙 (부산대학교 의류학과)
  • Received : 2009.04.24
  • Accepted : 2009.06.04
  • Published : 2009.03.01


The purpose of this study is to provide basic information necessary for the cleaning of excavated costumes. For the purpose, these researchers reviewed previous records of the actual cleaning of excavated costumes and then implemented and documented the processes of cleaning the Yeosan Song's costumes excavated at Mokdal-dong, Daejeon, which could date back to the early and mid periods of Choseon Dynasty. The excavated clothes of the family provide good examples for comparing men's costume of the 15th century with men's and women's of the mid and late 16th century. The total quantity of excavated remains were 184 and textiles were cotton, silk, hemp, ramie, and union cloth. The clothing remains were processed through wet or dry cleaning in accordance with their fabric condition and the extent to which they were worn or polluted. In detail, the excavated costumes of the Yeosan Song family were cleaned in two stages. For wet cleaning, both anionic(LAS) and nonionic(Triton X-100) surfactants were respectively used as cleaning agents and for dry cleaning, a mixture of n-hexane and n-decane(the ratio of 4 to 6) and petrolic dry cleaning solvent were used. After first cleaning, some cotton, ramie and hemp which had still the stains were processed bleaching and silk which were good condition was processed dry cleaning with the organic solvent again.

본 연구는 대전에서 출토된 조선시대 초중기의 여산송씨가 출토복식을 보존처리함에 있어 출토복식의 세척처리 현황을 조사하고 본 출토복식의 세척과정을 보고하여 앞으로 출토복식의 세척방안에 대한 자료로 제공하고자 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 여산송씨 출토복식은 15세기의 남자복식과 16세기중후반의 남녀복식을 비교할 수 있는 좋은 자료가 되고 있다. 출토유물은 모두 184점이 출토되었으며 면, 견, 마, 교직물 등 다양한 직물이 있었다. 여산송씨 출토복식의 세척은 직물의 상태와 오염을 분석한 후 진공흡입에 의한 고형오염을 충분히 제거하고 습식세척과 건식세척방법을 시행하였으며 1, 2차로 진행되었다. 습식세척의 경우 음이온계 계면활성제(LAS)와 비이온계 계면활성제(Triton X-100)를 사용하였고 건식세척의 경우 n-hexane과 n-decane(4:6) 혼합용제 및 석유계 드라이클리닝용제를 사용하였다. 1차 세척 후 빠지지 않은 얼룩이 있는 면직물이나 마직물의 경우 표백처리를 실시하였으며 견직물 중 상태가 좋은 것은 유기용제에 의한 건식세척을 재실시하였다.



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