A Study of Selecting Sequential Viewpoint and Examining the Effectiveness of Omni-directional Angle Image Information in Grasping the Characteristics of Landscape

경관 특성 파악에 있어서의 시퀀스적 시점장 선정과 전방위 화상정보의 유효성 검증에 관한 연구

  • 김홍만 (일본 오이타대학교 공학연구과) ;
  • 이인희 (부산대학교 건축학부)
  • Received : 2009.03.05
  • Accepted : 2009.04.20
  • Published : 2009.04.30


Relating to grasping sequential landscape characteristics in consideration of the behavioral characteristics of the subject experiencing visual perception, this study was made on the subject of main walking line section for visitors of three treasures of Buddhist temples. Especially, as a method of obtaining data for grasping sequential visual perception landscape, the researcher employed [momentum sequential viewpoint setup] according to [the interval of pointers arbitrarily] and fisheye-lens-camera photography using the obtained omni-directional angle visual perception information. As a result, in terms of viewpoint selection, factors like approach road form, change in circulation axis, change in the ground surface level, appearance of objects, etc. were verified to make effect, and among these, approach road form and circulation axis change turned out to be the greatest influences. In addition, as a result of reviewing the effectiveness via the subjects, for the sake of qualitative evaluation of landscape components using the VR picture image obtained in the process of acquiring omni-directional angle visual perception information, a positive result over certain values was earned in terms of panoramic vision, scene reproduction, three-dimensional perspective, etc. This convinces us of the possibility to activate the qualitative evaluation of omni-directional angle picture information and the study of landscape through it henceforth.



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