Factors associated with Marital Satisfaction and Stability of Married Men and Women

기혼남녀의 결혼만족도와 안정성에 관련된 요인

  • Hwang, Jong-Gui (Education Center of Educare Teacher Chungbuk University)
  • 황종귀 (충북대학교 보육교사교육원)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors associated with marital satisfaction and stability among married men and women. The major findings of this study are as follows: the factors associated with marital satisfaction and stability are different between gender. For married women the positive communication with spouse strongly had positive effect on women's marital satisfaction, while destructive conflict strongly had negative effect on women's marital stability. Otherwise, married men's positive communication with spouse was the most important factor in the marital satisfaction. The emotional support of family-of-origin strongly had effect on men's marital stability. This study reveals that the emotional support from families of origin have a direct effect on needs for affection and autonomy, positive communication, destructive conflict patterns, sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction and stability. Therefore, the results could be useful resources for family counselors and researchers to develop educational program for married couples.



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