A Study on the Materials and Technique of Lime Plaster Work in Government Constructions in the Late of Joseon Dynasty(17~19c) - Focused on the Lime Plaster Materials in 'Yeonggeon-Uigwe'(Construction Reports) -

조선후기 관영건축공사의 회(灰)미장재와 공법에 관한 연구 - 영건의궤(營建儀軌)의 유회(油灰), 수회(水灰), 양상도회(樑上塗灰)를 중심으로

  • 이권영 (동명대 건축대학 실내건축학과)
  • Published : 2009.08.31


Since the 1970's, UNESCO and ICOMOS have adopted or emphasized on the principles of historic preservation. One of them is what to require a repair have not to be repaired beyond the limits of the features and techniques to have been born in those days of establishment. On the premise, this paper is to examine the materials and technique of lime plaster work in order for roof ridge, and for bond paste of stones and bricks in government constructions in the late of Joseon dynasty(17~19c). The result of this examination will come up with a basic conformity in the case of repairing the building established in the late of Joseon dynasty. This paper is carried out for the proper repair and restoration of architectural cultural properties. Construction reports and other documents in those days are examined for the study. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. The components of old plaster mixtures which agglutinate stones each other were quicklime, perilla oil, and paper fiber. The components of old plaster mixtures which point joint of black bricks consisted of slaked lime, perilla oil, paper fiber, and cereal starch. These components were the same as coat surface of roof ridges. In the case of times, one of the following sand, white clay, sap of boiled elm bark was added to these components for the purpose of high efficiency. These materials and techniques which applied to plaster work of those buildings had developed in the process of making royal tombs. But these materials and techniques were quite different from the present.



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