첨두부하 삭감효과를 갖는 UIPV시스템의 개선된 운용방법

Improved Operating Method of Utility Interactive PV System for Peak Power Cut Effect

  • 발행 : 2009.10.20


본 논문은 기존의 시스템에 비해 시스템의 전력회로 구조의 큰 변경 없이 밧데리와 같은 전력저장 장치 디바이스의 추가와 개선된 운용방법을 적용한 첨두부하 삭감효과를 갖는 계통연계형 태양광발전시스템(UIPV)을 제안하였다. 개선된 운용방법과 에너지 저장장치의 추가로 기존 시스템에 비해 PV-array 용량을 작게 설치하여도 첨두부하 삭감효과를 크게 할 수 있으며, 가격 및 설치공간 등의 면에서 평가하여 기존시스템보다 더 나아짐을 확인하였다.

This paper describes the UIPV(Utility Interactived Photovoltaic) system which can improve the peak-cut effect by adding energy storage device of batteries to the power converter. The proposed system has three possible operation modes depending on relative condition of PV output, which can have the power shaping function covering the peak power for 3 hours. A new power circuit and application algorithm has been applied to UIPV system which is based on working PV system during 3-hour peak time. The energy relationship by the proposed system is analyzed theoretically and experimentally. Also the proposed system is evaluated at the viewpoint of cost and total spacing, which enables the proposed UIPV system to have the reduction of the peak power demand and hence to improve.



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