Tree 구조를 이용한 전철급전시스템의 신뢰도 평가

Reliability Assessment of Railway Power System by using Tree Architecture

  • 차준민 (대진대 공대 전기공학과) ;
  • 구본희 (대진대 대학원 전기공학과)
  • 발행 : 2010.01.01


As catenary supply electric power directly to the railway system, it is very important to prevent an accident of a catenary for appropriate train operation. This paper proposed the assessment the outage data for "British Catenary Safety Analysis Report" and Korean data to compare the reliability of the railway system. The analyzed data were applied to Event Tree and Fault Tree algorithm to calculate the reliability indices of railway system. Event tree is created and gate results of fault tree analysis are used as the source of event tree probabilities. Fault tree represents the interaction of failures and basic events within a system. Event Tree and Fault Tree analysis result is helpful to assess the reliability to interpreted. The reliability indices can be used to determine the equipment to be replaced for the entire system reliability improvement.



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