Estimating Populations, Yields, and Expenditures of Recreational Fishing in Korea

유어낚시 인구, 조획량, 지출 추정 연구

  • Received : 2010.06.08
  • Accepted : 2010.09.10
  • Published : 2010.09.30


The objective of this article was to estimate the market size of recreational fishing in Korea. Data were collected through sample surveys of 3,081 households nationwide in 2008. The number of anglers was directly estimated by applying weights expressed as the ratio of population to the sample. Yields and expenditures were estimated based on modules developed. On the basis of the results, a total of 6,524 thousand anglers caught an estimated 643,343 thousand fish, divided 65.2% on inland lake and 34.8% on saltwater. An angler caught about 98 fish on average in 2008. A typical angler went fishing 9.6 times, divided 8.4 times on inland lake and 5.5 times on sea. An annual expenditure of 5,233.6 billion won was estimated. The total was divided 2,851.4 billion won on inland lake(54.5%) and 2,382.2billion won on saltwater(45.5%). An average angler spent 802 thousand won a year. This study also estimated volumes by various types of fish.



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