기후변화에 따른 낙동강 유역의 기온 경향성 및 수온과의 탄성도 분석

Analysis for Air Temperature Trend and Elasticity of Air-water Temperature according to Climate Changes in Nakdong River Basin

  • 손태석 (부산대학교 사회환경시스템공학과) ;
  • 임용균 (울산광역시청) ;
  • 백명기 (부산광역시청) ;
  • 신현석 (부산대학교 사회환경시스템공학과)
  • 투고 : 2010.06.21
  • 심사 : 2010.07.30
  • 발행 : 2010.09.30


Temperature increase due to climate changes causes change of water temperature in rivers which results in change of water quality etc. and the change of river ecosystem has a great impact on human life. Analyzing the impact of current climate changes on air and water temperature is an important thing in adapting to the climate changes. This study examined the effect of climate changes through analyzing air temperature trend for Nakdong river basin and analyzed the elasticity of air-water temperature to understand the effect of climate changes on water temperature. For analysis air temperature trend, collecting air temperature data from the National Weather Service on main points in Nakdong river basin, and resampling them at the units of year, season and month, used as data for air temperature trend analysis. Analyzing for elasticity of air-water temperature, the data were collected by the Water Environment Information system for water temperature, while air temperature data were collected at the National Weather Service point nearest in the water temperature point. And using the results of trend analysis and elasticity analysis, the effect of climate changes on water temperature was examined estimating future water temperature in 20 years and 50 years after. It is judged that analysis on mutual impact between factors such as heat budget, precipitation and evapotranspiration on river water temperature affected by climate changes and river water temperature is necessary.



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