An Analysis on the Effect of the Government R&D Subsidies on the Private R&D Investments : in the Case of the Pharmaceutical Industry

정부 R&D 지원의 기업 R&D 투자에 대한 효과 분석 -제약산업을 중심으로-

  • Published : 2010.03.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the R&D subsidies by the government on the private firms' R&D investments in the Korean pharmaceutical industry, which are supposed to have positive effects on their economic performance. We also estimate the relationship between the private firms' R&D investments and firms' economic outcome. Empirical analysis is done by Error Component 2 Stage Least Squares(EC2SLS) estimation using 43 pharmaceutical firms' 8 years' panel data. The elasticity of the government R&D subsidies on the private R&D investments is 0.021%, which we cannot say 'efficient'. Also R&D investments have positive effects on the economic outcome of the pharmaceutical firms, as we expected. We propose several suggestions in the conclusion for the efficient way of government R&D subsidies to induce more private R&D investments.



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