Factors Affecting Eating Attitude of Female Undergraduates in Regard to BMI

여대생의 체질량지수군별 섭식태도에 영향을 미치는 관련 요인 분석

  • Received : 2010.04.05
  • Accepted : 2010.10.17
  • Published : 2010.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting eating attitude of female undergraduates according to BMI. Methods: A descriptive survey design with a convenience sampling was used and data collection was done using a self-report questionnaire answered by 406 female undergraduates from four universities located in Seoul, Kangwon, Gyeongsangbuk and Chungcheongnam Provinces. ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients, and hierarchial multiple regression were used the SPSS WIN 17.0 Program to analyze the data. Results: With respect to BMI, the students were found to be in 3 groups, whose differences in eating attitude were significant. Eating attitude had significant positive correlation with height (r=.118, p=.017), weight (r=.267, p<.000), BMI (r=.239, p<.001), and depression (r=.375, p<.001), and negative correlation with subjective well-being (r=-.153, p=.002) and body esteem (r=-.287, p<.001). In the hierarchial multiple regression analysis, college major, height, weight and religion, were controlled. Depression and body esteem regarding weight significantly predicted 40.7% of eating attitude for the underweight group and normal weight group, body esteem: weight and depression were significant predictors for 27.5% of eating attitude for the normal weight group. Body esteem: weight explained 32.6% of eating attitude for the overweight group. Conclusion: Findings of this study allow a comprehensive understanding of eating attitudes and related factors among female undergraduates in Korea. Further study with a larger random sample from various universities is necessary.



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