Development of an Energy Management Algorithm for Smart Energy House

스마트에너지하우스 구현을 위한 에너지 수요관리 알고리즘의 개발

  • 전정표 (강원대 IT대학 전기전자공학과) ;
  • 김광호 (강원대 IT대학 전기전자공학과)
  • Published : 2010.03.01


Recently, many actions are taking to accelerate progress toward social consensus and implementation of Smart Grid. Smart Grid refers to a evolution of the electricity supply infrastructure that monitors, protects, and intelligently optimize the operation of the interconnected elements including various type of generators, power grid, building/home automation system and end-use consumers. The most distinguished element will be Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) that will be installed to every end-use consumer's home or building and optimize the energy consumption of the end-use consumer. The key function of AMI is energy management capability that coordinates and optimally controls the various loads according to the operating condition and environments. In this study, we figure out the basic function of AMI in Smart Energy House that can be defined as a model house implementing in Smart Grid. This paper proposes the energy management algorithm that will be implemented in AMI at Smart Energy House. The paper also show how energy saving in Smart Energy House can be achieved applying the proposed algorithm to an actual house model that has mainly lighting, air-conditioning, TV loads.



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