운기체질과 오장병증의 상관관계 - 캘리포니아에 거주하는 아시아 여성 286명의 임상연구 -

A Case Study the Relationship Between Five Woon Constitutions And Five Zhang Symptoms Based on 286 Clinical Data of Asian Women near L.A

  • Jin, Seng-Hee (Dept. of Diagnosis, School of Oriental Medicine, Southern California University) ;
  • Kim, Tae-Hee (KIMTAEHEE Asian Medical Clinic) ;
  • Choi, Kyung-Mee (College of Science & Technology, Hongik University at Jochiwon)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.15
  • 심사 : 2010.10.18
  • 발행 : 2010.10.31


Objective: To relate with significant relationship between symptoms and Five Zhang(五臟)symptoms in Five Woon Constitutions and to characterize Five Woons of Asian women who live at Los Angeles area in U.S.A. Methods: 19 diagnostic questions were given to 286 Asian females subjects who were treated for their symptoms at an Asian medical clinic near Los Angeles in USA. The participants were given their constitutions, one of the Five Woons based on their birthdays. The Cross tabulation analysis was also applied to look for the effectiveness of Five Woons on the symptoms. Results: 1. The cross tabulation analysis showed the significant effectiveness of the Five Woons on the five symptoms including dizziness, hot and cold, lower body edema and face fever(p<0.1). 2. The dizziness and the hot and cold were related with Liver diseases, the lower body edema was related with Kidney diseases and the face fever was related to Heart diseases. Conclusions: This study can explain the relationship between the significant symptoms of Five Woons and Five Zhang(五臟)symptoms with reference which is the book by Yoon, ChoChang who lived 1700 years. Further clinical research is necessary to develop more delicate questionnaires and look for ways of characterizing the Five Woons. The diagnosis and corresponding treatment based on the Five Woons should be further studied in view of the Asian medicine.



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