This research was intended to furnish basic data which can be helpful to maintain and improve the skin health and to activate aromatherapy by analyzing the knowledge, attitude and behavior on the aromatherapy skin care of college students. As their grade got higher, students of beauty class showed the level of knowledge on aromatherapy higher than those of non-beauty class, and that of girl students was higher than that of boy students and as the living standard of students got higher, and pocket money of a month of them got more, the level of knowledge on aromatherapy of them was high, and as the interest in appearance and satisfaction on appearance of them got higher, the level of knowledge on aromatherapy of them was high. In common characteristics, as the living standard of them got higher, and pocket money of a month of them got more, the level of attitude on aromatherapy of them was high. As the interest in appearance of them got higher, the level of attitude on aromatherapy on the interest in appearance of them was high. In the characteristics related with the skin, as the skin health condition of students got healthier, the level of attitude on aromatherapy of them was high, and it was high in the students who had much agony on the skin color.