Purpose: Pincer nail is a relatively rare deformity characterized by an increase in transverse curvature along the longitudinal axis of the nail. This curvature commonly increases from proximal to distal end of nail, leading to pinching, curling, and distortion of the underlying soft tissue and resulting frequently in severe pain. Numerous surgical procedures have been reported. Preserving the width of the nail in the correction of the pincer nail is very important for functional and aesthetic reasons. We report the results of the correction of the pincer nail using autogenous dermofat graft with a good result. Methods: From May 2006 to September 2008, dermofat graft was performed in 6 patients with pincer nail. Patients were four women and two men, and the average age was 51. The affected digits were the unilateral great toes in four patients and the unilateral thumbs in two patients. Average follow-up period was 13 months. Surgical procedure was removal of nail using an elevator to avoid damage to the nail bed. An incision was created in distal portion of hyponychium. Paronychium was dissected from distal phalanx by periosteal elevator through incision of hyponychium and tunnel was made. Then dermofat grafts harvested from inguinal area were inserted into the tunnel. Finally, a silicone sheet was inserted eponychial fold for prevention of synechia. Objective assessment was evaluated by use of the width index and height index. Results: All patients reported resolution of the pain and soft tissue pinching sensation that they had before the operation. There was good adherence between the nail plate and the underlying nail bed. The nails have regrown and were corrected in a normal and flattened appearance. The width index and height index were improved. Conclusion: The autogenous dermofat graft seems to provide an effective treatment of the pincer nail with preservation of the nail matrix.