Purpose: Adhesion after flexor tendon injury is a result of fibrosis between tendon and tendon sheath. This, finally interfere with gliding mechanism of tendon and results in functional problem of hands. Therefore, there have been many trials to reduce adhesion around the tendon. However, there is no standard procedure clinically practiced in hospitals. Mitomycin-C is an antineoplastic alkylating agent that decrease fibroblast proliferation and scar formation. It is commonly used in many surgery to reduce postoperative adhesion. This study was designed to observe the effect of Mitomycin-C on preventing adhesion in injured flexor tendon. Methods: The deep flexor tendon of digit 2 and 4 in the left forepaw of 15 New Zealand White rabbits were subjected to partial tenotomy. In study group, injury site was exposed to a single 5-minute application of Mitomycin-C, and in control group was left untreated. Digit 2 and 4 in the right forepaw of each rabbit were considered as nonadhesion control group. After 2 weeks, the animals were sacrificed and digits were amputated for biomechanical test and histological study. Results: In biomechanical study to measure yield point, mean yield point of non-adhesion control was $17.43{\pm}2.33$ and $25.07{\pm}4.03$ for adhesion control, which proves increase of adhesion in adhesion control group (p<0.05) in 95% confidence. In Mitomycin-C group, mean yield point was $12.71{\pm}4.97$. Compared with adhesion control, there was decrease in adhesiveness in Mitomycin-C group (p<0.05) in 95% confidence. In histological study, the result of adhesion control revealed massive adhesions of bony structure, fibrotic tissue and tendon structure with ablation of the border. However in Mitomycin-C group, we could find increased fibrotic tissue, but adhesion is much lesser than adhesion group and borders between structures remain intact. Conclusion: This study suggests that Mitomycin-C can significantly reduce adhesion of injured flexor tendon in rabbit model.