Purpose: As the influence of mass media increases, the general standard of attractiveness or beauty of a face also changes. The primary purpose of the study is to find out the factors of the attractive and beautiful face recognized by public. Methods: We picked out standard model photography and operated with Adobe$^{(R)}$ Photoshop$^{(R)}$ and Monariza$^{(R)}$ virtual plastic surgery program. The contour of face, eye, nose, forehead, zygoma, chin and proportion of upper, middle, lower face were changed. The interview survey was conducted through structured standard photo for 310 respondents. That was utilized in the final analysis. Multiple regression analysis was executed by SPSS 12.0. It was used to deal with statistical data and all the other necessary analysis. Results: According to general characteristics of the respondents, many differences were found in preferred face and facial aesthetic subunits. The younger generation preferred the lozenge and inverted triangle shape contour. The respondents over 40 of age preferred the egg shape contour. In chin and zygoma contour, the respondents at the age of 20 preferred distinctly small chin and relatively small lower face. On the other hand, the respondents over 40 of age preferred the wide zygoma relatively. In the proportion of upper, middle, lower face, 51.0% of respondents answered 1 : 1 : 1. If they want to have an aesthetic operation, they preferred protruding forehead. Also they preferred the small chin and V-shaped chin in frontal view. Conclusion: Many respondents preferred to have a plastic surgery for the better facial subunit. The statistical evidence from this study suggests that the harmony and balance of facial aesthetic subunits make attractive and beautiful face.