Purpose: Tragus is one of the key structure of the normal shape of auricle. We experienced several cases of hypoplastic tragus with preauricular appendage. This article describes the methods of reconstruction of atypical tragus using accessory tragus or macrotragus to make better aesthetic results rather than simple excision. Methods: From April, 2004 to March, 2009, 21 patients got operations by our method. Seven patients had bilateral deformity of tragus. Mean age was 12.7 years. For 17 cases of accessory tragus, simple excision, z-plasty and interpolation flap was performed. For 11 cases of macrotragus, debulking and z-plasty was performed. Mean follow-up period was 9.4 months. Results: Reconstructed tragus looked symmetric with the opposite side in contour, size, direction and partial coverage of auditory meatus. There was no enlargement of remnant appendage for the follow up period and there was no complication such as hematoma, infection and chondritis. Conclusion: In cases of small and deformed tragus, preauricular tissue such as accessory tragus and macrotragus could be a good source of tragal reconstruction.