Purpose: Lacerations requiring formal wound closure compose a significant number of all childhood injuries presenting to the emergency department. The problem with conventional suture technique are that suture removal is quite cumbersome, especially in children. Unwanted soft tissue damage can result in the process of suture removal, which calls for sedation, stressful for both medical personnel and child. The purpose of this study is to introduce the convenient suture technique for pediatric facial lacerations. Methods: Children under the age of four, presenting to the emergency department with facial lacerations were enrolled in the study. From March 2008 to June 2009, 63 patients (41 males and 22 females) with an average age of 1.4 years were treated with our convenient suture technique using utilized a loop suspended above a double, flat tie. Clean, tension free wounds were treated with our technique, wounds with significant skin defect and concomitant fractures were excluded. Results: The Patients were followed-up in 1, 3 and 5 days postoperatively. On the third hospital visit, suture removal was done by simply cutting the loop suspended above the wound margin and gently pulling the thread with forceps. There were no significant differences in the rates of infection and dehiscence compared with conventional suture technique. Conclusion: The use of our technique was to be simple with similar operative time compared with conventional suture technique. Removal of suture materials were easy without unwanted injuries to the surrounding tissue which resulted in less discomfort for the patient and greater parental satisfaction, minimized the complications. It can be considered as a viable alternative in the repair of pediatric facial lacerations.