RAND 방법으로 합의한 임상진료지침의 정의와 질 평가 기준

Consensus on definition and quality standard of clinical practice guideline using RAND method

  • 투고 : 2009.10.27
  • 심사 : 2010.06.01
  • 발행 : 2010.06.30


Background : Clinical practice guidelines are an increasingly familiar part of clinical practice. Moreover, rigorously developed evidence based guidelines has been widely used. However, in Korea, some of published documents as clinical practice guidelines have shown considerable disparity in structure, contents and quality. This is mainly because there is no consensus on the definition and quality standard of clinical practice guidelines. The purpose of this study was to draw consensus on the definition and the quality standard about clinical practice guidelines. Method : We developed a questionnaire about the definition of clinical practice guidelines with inclusion criteria(23 items) and the quality standard(30 items). We selected 9 experts who had prior experience in developing and implementing guidelines. Rating methods for appropriateness of items were adopted from the RAND method. Consensus was drawn in three rounds. Results : Of the 47 items agreed, 40 items were determined to be appropriate. Clinical practice guidelines were defined as "scientifically and systematically developed statements to assist practitioners and patients on making decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances." Narrative reviews, systematic reviews or health technology assessment without recommendations, translation of foreign guidelines, guidelines for patients only and training manuals were not considered as clinical practice guidelines. For the quality standard of clinical practice guidelines, 27 items were deemed necessary. Conclusions : The consensus on the definition with inclusion criteria and the quality standard of clinical practice guidelines carries an important meaning as the first attempt to draw a general agreement in our society. The unique achievement of the consensus reflects the current status of clinical practice guidelines that there has been a high tendency to adapt foreign guidelines. We hope efforts of this kind will continue to bring improvement in clinical practice guidelines.



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