The Anti-wrinkle Effects and Whitening Effects of Galla Rhois

오배자의 항 주름 효과 및 미백 효과에 미치는 실험적 연구

  • 박진미 (경원대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실) ;
  • 김경준 (경원대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실)
  • Received : 2010.03.06
  • Accepted : 2010.04.12
  • Published : 2010.04.25


Recently, the demands for the effective and safe depigmentating and anti-aging agents of the skin have increased due to the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic reasons. The aim of this study is to search Galla Rhois (GR) inhibitory activity against aging process of skin in vitro. GR was screened for their inhibitory activity against elastase. GR (final concentration 1 mg/ml) appeared over 40% of inhibition of elastase activity. So we investigated anti wrinkle effects of GR look through MMP-1 inhibition activity. Also Extracts of GR showed higher anti-tyrosinase activity than arbutin (final concentration 1 mg/ml). These results suggest that GR could be potential sources of anti-aging and whitening effects for the skin. Objective : Galla Rhois extracts, Elastase (pancreatic from porcine pancreas), N-Succinyl-(Ala)3-p-nitroanilide, Ursolic acid, mushroom tyrosinase, L-tyrosine, arbutin, Amicon Ultra, Hand Hold UV lamp, MMP-1 primary antibody, MMP-1 secondary antibody Result : 1. GR appeared over 40% of elastase inhibitory activity. 2. GR had MMP-1 inhibition activity. 3. GR showed higher anti-tyrosinase activity than arbutin. Conclusion : According to above results, it is supposed that Galla Rhois could be strong potential sources of anti-aging and whitening effects for the skin.



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