J지역 운동선수의 악안면 외상 실태와 지식에 관한 비교조사연구

A comparative study on J regional sport players' actual conditions of maxillofacial trauma and their knowledge about It

  • Choi, Mi-Hye (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University) ;
  • Kang, Eun-Ju (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Wonkwang Health Science University) ;
  • Woo, Seung-Hee (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Mokpo Science University)
  • 투고 : 2010.06.10
  • 심사 : 2010.08.25
  • 발행 : 2010.08.30


Objectives : The purpose of this study was to investigate the maxillofacial injuries of the sports players' and analyzing the concerned factor. Methods : The subject in this study were 290 sports players' enrolled in Jeolla region. SPSS statistics program(Version 12.0) was used to analyzed the collectde data, Chi-square test and percentage were used as the analysis technique. Results : 1. It was found that 63.8% of all respondents ever experienced trauma in sport activities and 28.6% experienced maxillofacial trauma. 2. In terms of traumatic causality, it was found that most of our respondents attributed the biggest cause of maxillofacial trauma to 'sport activities.' 3. However, it was found that only 12.1% of all respondents gave correct answers to question items about good medical treatment for traumatic odontoptosis. 4. It was found that less than half of all respondents ever faced information on maxillofacial trauma. Conclusions : This finding suggests that it is required to build up current orientation programs about maxillofacial trauma for our sport players. The maxillofacial trauma of sport players' is a important factor that degenerate the quality of the oral health and bring about the change of life style.



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