Dental fear cause and oral health care behavior in the dental hygiene clinic clients

치위생학과 구강위생교육실에 내원한 대상자의 치과공포 원인과 구강건강관리행태

  • Received : 2010.05.26
  • Accepted : 2010.08.25
  • Published : 2010.08.30


Objectives : This study is aimed to seek how to promote oral health care by leading the clients with dental fears to change their behaviors in oral hygiene care based on the analysis of the relationships between the dental fears and oral health care behaviors of the clients who visit the Dental Hygiene Education Room. Methods : This study analyzed the 361 dental hygiene records of the subjects with finished treatment and accurate records among a total of 370 clients who had received dental hygiene care at the Dental Hygiene clinic in Y University from March 2007 till June 2009. According to their general features, the study analyzed whether they had any dental fears and why such fears occurred and conducted Chi-square test to compare their oral hygiene care experiences and behaviors with dental fears. Data analysis was made using the SPSS 12.0K for Window, with level of significance set at 0.05. Results : 1. In terms of dental fear or non-fear, the comparison by gender showed that women had a higher level than men, with 76 women(47.2%) answering yes; the comparison by age showed that the age group of 30 years old or older had a higher level than other groups. 2. In terms of dental fear reasons, "the past pain experiences" recorded 34.2%, showing the highest rate. 3. In addition, dental fears had influences on regular dental examination, scaling and dental hygiene education and the subjects without dental fear showed higher levels in terms of tooth-brushing frequency and time. Conclusions : To control "the past pain experiences", future dental treatment should place priority on preventive treatment and get clients to cope with pains through the preliminary education with pains. Besides, to make an effective oral health care of the clients with dental fears, dental hygienists should control the fears of the clients and perform an appropriate oral health care for them using the communication techniques to make friendly and trustworthy impressions.



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