국가단위 신규 IT인프라의 위험도 등급화 기법 개발 방향 연구

Development Strategy on the Risk Rating Method for Nationwide Emerging IT Infrastructure

  • 김상균 (강원대학교 산업공학과)
  • 발행 : 2010.08.31


To provide a development strategy on the method which assesses a potential risk of nationwide emerging IT infrastructure in planning and design phase, and to classify the assessment result into 5 levels is the goal of this research. The development strategy provided in this paper could improve a benefit-cost-ratio of investments on emerging IT infrastructure. With a premature assessment of the potential risks of a nationwide emerging IT infrastructure which needs astronomical amount of public funds, it could show a way of systematic investments on security systems and improve a benefit-cost-ratio of investments on emerging IT infrastructure. Also, this approach might improve the safety of nationwide IT infrastructure. It could identify and provide an optimized solution for the potential risks of nationwide IT infrastructure.
