Effect of Whitening, Anti-aging on Extract of Paeonia lactiflora Flower

작약꽃을 이용한 미백 및 항산화 효과 분석

  • Jung, Yen-Ok (Instute of Yacksun, Youngsan University & Department of Floriculture, Korea National Agriculture & Marine College) ;
  • Park, Nou-Bog (Instute of Yacksun, Youngsan University & Department of Floriculture, Korea National Agriculture & Marine College) ;
  • Jung, Suk-Jin (Sinji Elementary School) ;
  • Kwak, Joon-Soo (Department of Korean-Food and Culinary Arts, Youngsan University) ;
  • Han, Jong-Hyun (Department of Oriental Medicines, Wonkwang University)
  • 정연옥 (영산대학교 약선연구소 & 한국농수산대학 화훼과) ;
  • 박노복 (영산대학교 약선연구소 & 한국농수산대학 화훼과) ;
  • 정숙진 (신지초등학교) ;
  • 곽준수 (영산대학교 한국식품조리학과) ;
  • 한종현 (원광대학교 한의학과)
  • Received : 2010.03.02
  • Accepted : 2010.05.20
  • Published : 2010.06.25


Paeony flowers to separate substances contained in the ETOH extract the polyphenol materials sympathetic to the HPLC, anti-aging and whiting used in the cosmetics extract and comparing the results follows. Extracted by a different way to keep the flowers found in the experiment, after 1 year when stored frozen material and did not show changes in appearance. Concentrated extract by HPLC, investigated the content of the type of polyphenol naringin, sinapic acid, methyl gallate, syringic acid were detected, including 11 kinds. Learn anti-aging effect in the experiment for the EtOH 80% extract showed excellent efficacy in the remaining conditions were low. The whitening effect Peony Flower extract higher than arbutin paeoniflorin was the main ingredient.



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