생애전환기 건강진단 노인수검자의 성별에 따른 관련 요인분석

The Analysis on Related Factors of the Aged Examines Who Get Diagnosed in Their Climacteric Period According to Sex

  • 금은순 (대구한의대학교 대학원 노인의료복지학과) ;
  • 서부일 (대구한의대학교 대학원 노인의료복지학과)
  • Keum, Eun-Sun (Department of Medical Care for the Aged Welfare, Graduate School Deagu Haany University) ;
  • Seo, Bu-Il (Department of Medical Care for the Aged Welfare, Graduate School Deagu Haany University)
  • Received : 2010.02.22
  • Accepted : 2010.03.25
  • Published : 2010.04.30


Objectives & Method:Based on the statistic from January 2008 to December 2008 include 66-year-old 375 people (159 men, 216 women) who got examined in National Health Insurance Corporation, this study set a goal to establish a new health index by analyzing the relation between the cardio-cerebra vascular disease and risk factor such as obesity, smoking, exercise, alcohol consumption, blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Results:1) Examine results, health status according to gender;People who are diagnosed as abnormal health status have higher risk for both men and women. As for the detailed diseases, high blood pressure was highest followed by hyperlipidemia and obesity. In case of the women, 96.3% in bone mineral density was highest. 2) Correlation of disease and health risk factors based on gender;Correlation of disease according to gender in the obesity(p<0.001), lipid abnormalities(p<0.001), kidney diseases(p<0.001), chest diseases(p<0.05), osteoporosis(p<0.001) showed a statistically significant difference. The analysis showed that the men have more obesity and lipid abnormalities as well as thoracic disease than the women, but the women have more kidney disease than the men. As for the osteoporosis examine which is conducted only for the women, most of the women were abnormal even though it cannot compare the result according to gender. Obesity(p<0.001), alcohol(p<0.001), smoking(p<0.001) and LDLcholesterol(p<0.001) showed statistical correlation between gender and health risk factor. And only high blood pressure(p<0.001) showed a statistical correlation between gender and risk of cardio-cerebra vascular disease. 3) Risk of cardio-cerebra vascular disease related to health risk factor characteristic;Obesity assessment(p<0.001), alcohol(p<0.05), smoking(p<0.05), blood pressure(p<0.001), glucose(p<0.001) showed correlation between health risk factor and stroke. Drinking(p<0.001), smoking(p<0.05), exercise(p<0.001), blood pressure(p<0.001), LDL cholesterol(p<0.001) showed health risk factor and myocardial infarction. Obesity assessment(p<0.001), smoking(p<0.05), blood pressure(p<0.001), glucose(p<0.001) and showed correlation between health risk factor and diabetes. Obesity assessment(p<0.001), blood pressure(p<0.001) showed correlation between health risk factor and high blood pressure. Conclusion:Therefore, we have to take one step farther after the health examination. In order to prevent and reduce the risk of disease, people have to understand their health status exactly first, and correct their habit with recognizing the amount of risk related to cardio-cerebra vascular disease.



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